What are Potentiometers?

Variable resistors, of which potentiometers are perhaps the most commonly used in electronics, are used in electronics to adjust voltage levels in a circuit. They are small, but very important components, able to change the resistance between two points allowing users to control the flow of current. For examples where manual control is needed, volume controls in an audio system, adjusting the brightness of lights etc., potentiometers are usually used. In circuits, particularly in control circuits, where they act as adjustable voltage dividers, they are indispensable for fine tuning the performance of such devices.

Electronic Circuits and applications of Potentiometers

Potentiometers perform an important function in many electronic circuits, especially in audio system, power supply, and controls of a sensor. They can offer continuous variable resistance and hence help in the circuit performance as well as efficiency. Common applications include use to control motor speed, set gain in amplifier, and calibrate sensor inputs. In digital and analog systems, potentiometers can also be used to make user interfaces for varying parameters including temperature, light or sound.

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