Electronics is based on transistor, and almost all the electronic devices are built around the transistor. They are switch and amplifier which controls the flow of electrical current through simple circuits to and all the way up to complex computing systems. These small components turn electronic technology on its head and allow us to control signals and power with a precision. The power of electronic circuits increases when transistors are grouped together in powerful circuits to drive digital devices such as computers and mobile phones through automotive and industrial applications.
Types and Uses of Transistors in Modern Devices
There are different types of transistors available, such as Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT), and Field Effect Transistors (FET) used for different purposes. For instance, BJTs are extensively utilized in amplifier circuits but FET is essential for a switching device because it has low power consumption and high efficiency. Advancement in transistor technology has led to the development of microelectronic devices which helps designers and engineer to the development in increasingly efficient, powerful and compact devices. By understanding the types and applications of transistors you can pick the right component for your electronics project.